Accepting Compliments

November 22nd, 2023 (11 months ago) • 2 minutes

Accepting compliments has always felt awkward for me; I never knew how to respond well to it. When people say nice thing, I usually shy back down or dismiss the compliment. I also have this tendancy to downplay my own work.

Largely, I feel that if I accept the compliment, I will be seen as arrogant or self-centered.

However, what I've realize is that this robs us of genuine human connection and appreciation - the very thing that we all should live for. I thought about this today. And I believe I should change my mindset on compliments and be more receptive to it.

A new perspective to consider is that compliments often play a bigger part for the giver than for the receiver. They are usually sharing how your work or your character has impacted another person's life. It doesn't really matter if you agree or disagree; we should just accept it as a gift and not dismiss the value people place on it.

How? Make a slight curve on your lips and say 'Thank you,' then move on. Feel good about what you did and the impact you made. It will take some time to become comfortable with this, but it's a good change to embrace.