Being Openly Curious

April 5th, 2024 (7 months ago) • 2 minutes

A friend and someone I respect a lot, Jeremy caught up recently and one of the thing we talked about was curiosity and how we can spark more of it in others.

I think being curious is a great trait to have. It's what drives us to learn new things, to explore and to be open to new ideas. It's what makes us grow as a person.

I do see this as something everybody have, but frequently dim down as we grow older. This is a bit frustrating because it can be a powerful tool to have. It's hard to groom/train someone to be curious. It's something that comes from within.

So the question comes down to how can we spark more curiosity in others?

One way is through influence. If you generally show curiosity in things, people around you will pick it up. It's like a virus, but a good one. Jeremy is one of those people who have this trait. He openly shares his thoughts and ideas about anything under the world (or work), listen with compassion, challenges the convention, explore new interests (like his blog!) etc. and that's what makes him so interesting to talk to.

I hope this fire in us to be curious about everything around us never dies down. I am very excited about his path in life and how he grow into a better person. I am sure he will do great things in life.