
November 4th, 2023 (12 months ago) • 3 minutes

Everyone is talking about LLM, OpenAI and Embeddings, but do we actually know how it works?

On a high level, this is a great diagram on how LLM application works in the real world.

High level workflow for LLM use case

High level workflow for LLM use case

Here are some of my notes that I derived from Simon Willison's article trying to understand how embeddings work.


  • Take a piece of content and turn that piece into an array of floating numbers, we call as vectors.
  • Regardless of length of content, embeddings will produce the same length of vectors (depending on the embedding model used)
  • Vectors are coordinates in a multi-dimensional space (this is usually too big for us to visualize as it is usually ~1000 dimensions, see PCA below on overcoming this)
  • Location in the space encodes the semantic meaning
  • Extremely cheap to do - OpenAI charged $0.0001 / 1000 tokens

Embedding models

  • Research stems from word2vec
  • Word2vec is a shallow neural network that uses backpropagation to train the model to encode similarity
    • Model is trained to maximise output when the predicted word is close to the actual word (goodness) and minimise output for words that are not neighboring (badness)
    • Similar words within the training dataset can have similar embeddings
  • StatQuest explains the concept of word2vec very well

Vector database

  • Databases that are optimized for storing vectors (a.k.a embeddings)
  • Tuned for running nearest-neighbor queries
  • Examples of vector databases

Relating contents

  • Proximity between 2 vectors shows that 2 content are related
  • Distance is usually calculated using cosine similarity although other similar methods are available
def cosine_similarity(a, b):
    dot_product = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(a, b))
    magnitude_a = sum(x * x for x in a) ** 0.5
    magnitude_b = sum(x * x for x in b) ** 0.5
    return dot_product / (magnitude_a * magnitude_b)


  • Model by OpenAI that allows users to embed both images and content into the same space so users can query both at once
  • Trained on 400 million image and text pairs from the internet
  • Given an image, it is able to give the best caption possible

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

  • Highly dimensional space is hard to visualize
  • A technique called PCA can be used to reduce the dimension to a more manageable size while still capturing useful semantics

Retrieval-Augemented Generation (RAG)

The key idea is this: a user asks a question. You search your private documents for content that appears relevant to the question, then paste excerpts of that content into the LLM (respecting its size limit, usually between 3,000 and 6,000 words) along with the original question.

  • Trivial to implement as all it takes is to embed existing content into a database (vector or traditional)
  • Prior to quering the LLM, users will query their personal database first to retrieve context and submit the context + question together