
February 8th, 2024 (9 months ago) • 2 minutes

I celebrated one of my colleague's departure today. It was a bittersweet moment, as I was happy for him to move on to a new chapter in his life, but also sad that we didn't collaborate as much.

Before he left, I managed to catch up with him to learn about his plans and his thoughts on his departure. His reasons are quite simple: he wants to be challenged further, to explore new things, and to continue learning. Although MoneyLion has been a great place for growth, he felt that he had reached a plateau and it was time to move on.

I am glad he noticed that very early on.

Sometimes, people take too long to notice that they have reached a plateau, where their growth rate has slowed down or stagnates. Well, you may be the best in people's eyes, but you are not the best in your own eyes. Life is not exciting if you are not always putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, where you are a beginner again.

It's nice to hear compliments about the things you are doing, but is that the only thing you crave from other people?

We went to Tap Tap to celebrate his departure. It was raining so heavily, and we were all soaked even with umbrellas, but it was a good time. We talked about everything under the sky, from work to personal life, shared some tea about things we are working on, and also some gossip.

After Tap Tap, we continued walking around Bukit Bintang, which is filled with the hustle and bustle of KL's nightlife. There's a night market filled with tourists, barbecue and drinks stores on my left and right, a busker singing at the corner, and people attracting others to dine in their restaurant.

We ended the night at Halab, drinking my all-time favorite Adani tea.

It was a good night, albeit an exhausting one from the walks we had. I gained new friends and am glad to have met them.

If you are reading this, see you at work and let's catch up more :D