
December 28th, 2023 (10 months ago) • 2 minutes

The Euro Jackpot

The Euro Jackpot

Luck is something hard to come by yet we all need it to succeed in life. Working hard no longer guarantees success like in the old world.

Dr. James Austin proposed 4 different types of luck:

  1. Blind Luck. This refers to luck that is totally out of your control. For example, where you are born, which family you are born into, acts of god etc. You can’t do anything about this type of luck.

  2. Luck from Motion. This luck comes from your action in your day to day. The more you expand you luck surface area, the higher the chance that something good happens. Take every opportunity to work hard, run around, meet new people, and make new connections whenever possible.

    Inspiration is perishable and life goes by fast. Inaction is a particularly insidious type of risk.

    Sam Altman

  3. Luck from Awareness. This comes from experience and knowledge when you become very good in a particular area and have a knack eye to spot luck from 'miles' away. Continuously learn and improve yourself. The more you know, the more you see.

  4. Luck from Uniqueness. This type of luck occurs due to the unique set of attributes that belongs to you. For instance, how you behave attracts certain kind of people which bring a whole new world of opportunities. You need to build a skill stack unique to you. The more skills you stack, the more unique your offering, and the better chance you have to become the 'best' at something.

Now in my 20s, I am trying to increase my luck surface area by meeting new people online and offline as often as I can. It's strange at first but I think I am getting used to it.