Most People

May 2nd, 2024 (6 months ago) • 2 minutes

Credits to Visa.

”Most companies wouldn’t… most women are like this… most men are like that…”

Who cares? You’re not going to work for Most companies. you not going to marry Most People. Find the most exceptional fit for you that you can find. Most People (ha!) search too little and give up too easily.

You can never get “Most People”’s attention at random. But you can get a very specific person’s attention if you have a very specific solution to his very specific problem. Once you have one person’s attention, you can get another’s. Sic parvis magna. Greatness from small beginnings.

Raise your standards. Aspire to greatness. Don’t just try to impress the average of your friends, strive to impress God himself. Seek the company of immortals. (Yes, this isn’t for everyone, but again, I’m not writing for everyone. I update blogposts like this one every time I find it necessary to share it with someone. Someone tweeted at me that it’s irresponsible to talk about cultivating genius in the public sphere, because self-absorbed, ego-stroking non-geniuses might read it and then use it to justify their own bullshit. Look, people who are looking to justify their own bullshit will always find a way to do so.)

I think I subdue to this thinking a lot in the past. I want to do what most people do because it's safe and it's proven to work. It's easy and familiar because there's already a framework.

But after talking to my manager and people around me, the thought of "Why go for the average when you can go for the exceptional? Why be like most people when you can be the best version of yourself?" grew in me. "Don't settle of mediocrity." said one of my friend.

So from there on, I started to aim high and be more ambitious. To aim for the stars and land on the moon even if I fail. No one said I can't.

At the end of the day, start taking on challenging tasks outside your comfort zone, learning new things, meeting new people, and just make the best use of your limited time here.