On Influencing and Selling a Dream

May 28th, 2024 (5 months ago) • 2 minutes

Today I had a talk with Jeremy, one of the few people I respected at work during my last day. We talked about various topics but one of the things that stuck with me a lot was when I asked him what should I do more of improve on.

He said that most people should learn how to be better in influencing.

That's one of the main criteria for stepping up at work - the ability to improve the people around you. It's almost like a golden standard. But this is difficult because sometimes the characteristics that you have are innate so it's hard to teach someone else.

For example, if you are a person that is curious about many things, how can you make other people around you excited about all the other problems as well?

So he gave me some tips on this:

  • Tell people what you are doing even though they didn’t ask - slowly plant ideas in their head to embed themselves into the problem
  • Tie the new thing to the problem they are already working on so it’s easier to relate
  • Look at how CEO sell dreams to their team
  • Share what you know regularly and consistently