Slow Movies

February 24th, 2024 (8 months ago) • 1 minute

Josh and Ruby conversing over crab meat in HK.

Josh and Ruby conversing over crab meat in HK.

I watched Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong today and I think I found a new genre that I really appreciate a lot. I don't know what it's called, but it's the kind where it's slow-paced, has a short timeline (in terms of a few hours or days), and is mostly dialogue-driven between 2 main characters. Another show that I can think of with similar vibes is The Before Trilogy.

I like it because it's very real and relatable. It's not about grand gestures or the big moments but the small, everyday things that we do and say. They focus on the conversations and the connections and how they grow and develop over time. These little details are what make it so beautiful and heartwarming.

For Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong, you also notice how the location itself is a character in the story and the filmmakers are obviously passionate about the city. This is very rare in modern movies.

Compared to the usual plot-driven shows, I find myself paying more attention and being more emotionally invested in these.