On Sunscreen

May 29th, 2024 (5 months ago) • 2 minutes

Sunscreen is a very underrated product.

It's not just for the beach or when you're out in the sun. It's something that you should be using every day, even when you're indoors.

I've been using sunscreen every day for the past few months and I've noticed a huge difference in my skin. It's smoother, clearer, and more even-toned. I've also noticed that my skin is less oily and I have fewer breakouts.

Some things I learned:

  • Chemical sunscreens protect the skin by absorbing UV rays, whereas mineral or physical formulas help deflect rays from the skin. Both are effective
  • Use SPF50 and above for daily use
  • Consider the three finger rule: Cover the length of three fingers with sunscreen and apply that to your face and neck
  • Reapply every two hours and whenever your body has been in contact with water (even if it's 15 minutes)
  • If you got sunburnt
    • Apply aloe gel
    • Shower in cool water and dry yourself by gently patting
    • Apply a cool compress for up to 10 minutes
    • Cover the affected area with a thin layer of Vaseline to help seal in moisture
    • Wear free-flowing clothes